Thursday, August 31, 2006

Final school flight

I'm sorry that I've really neglected this blog since the flying lessons started. Somehow I lost the motivation to blog about stuff.

I have had a great time taking all these flying lessons. I have made a lot of touch-and-go landings and flewn some navigation trips. Both with and without my instructor. My glider pilot experience have shortned the learning path, reducing the number of lessons needed.

Today I flew to Gotland together with my instructor. That's actually an international flight (sort of). Half-way there we were outside of sweden's territory for a while. It was a beautiful view from FL95 (i.e. 9500 feet). The weather was perfect. Unfortunately I didn't bring a camera.

The only mishap was that our transponder stopped working shortly after take-off from Visby. Not very popular with the flight controllers. So we had to stay outside of controlled airspace. But since most of the route was outside controlled airspace anyway, this wasn't much of a problem...

This was my final school flight. Now I just have to wait for all paperwork to be finished...


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